Cosmetology School Alabaster: Supplies & Books



cosmetology tools

 Are books and equipment included?

Yes. As part of your tuition investment Mitchell's cosmetology school in Alabaster will provide you with a textbook, study guide and an exam prep booklet. We also offer a wonderful school kit that will take you into your salon career. This school student kit is going to be your most valuable asset once you start cosmetology school! It contains all of the  tools and supplies such as shears, clippers, brushes, a blow dryer, irons, mannequin heads and more. You will be working with these tools for many years to come!

At Mitchell's, our program uses innovative strategies that blend professional techniques with retail and business-building skills.  We'll inspire you to think "beyond the chair" and you'll graduate with the knowledge to not only pass the State Boards, but to become a top cosmetologist in the salon and spa industry.



116 First Street S. Suite 10 | Alabaster, AL 35007 | (205) 663-7126