Cosmetology School Products Alabaster AL



cosmetology student at work


 What product lines do I get to learn about?

At Mitchell's cosmetology school in Alabaster, we supply you with top of the line beauty products.  Our staff only uses high quality product lines in our training and educate our students with outstanding product knowledge. You will learn about The Tim Mitchell exclusive line, and many other professional brands such as Pravana, Majirel, Richesse, Tressa, Loreal, Kenra, White Sands, Chi, and Goldwell.

Experience with a variety of different high quality hair care lines helps our cosmetology students prepare to work in a salon or spa after graduation. Students learn about retail products and how to educate their clients about the products they're using, which are two important aspects of being a successful beauty professional.



Discover why Mitchell's is the best cosmetology school in Alabaster!  Call today for more information about a cosmetology career.

116 First Street S. Suite 10 | Alabaster, AL 35007 | (205) 663-7126