Cosmetology School Requirements Alabaster AL



cosmetology career
What are the graduation requirements?

There are many different requirements to graduate from our cosmetology school in Alabaster. To get your Diploma or Certificate, you must complete the required 1500 program hours and meet all financial obligations.
Our students must also successfully pass our school’s written and practical exams and complete a certain number of practical and technical procedures. These exams consist of a written test and a practical test in which student's demonstrate their ability to provide the required beauty services.
After completing your entire course and training at Mitchell's Cosmetology College you will be up to date with the latest fashions and beauty techniques and ready for a successful career as a salon professional!  You will learn not only the latest styling and cutting techniques, but also skills for client retention, consultation and communication as well as tips for interviews.
Begin the journey for a rewarding Alabaster cosmetology career today at Mitchell's!

116 First Street S. Suite 10 | Alabaster, AL 35007 | (205) 663-7126