Cosmetology Classes Alabaster AL



birmingham cosmetology school student at work

What will my cosmetology classes be like?

Classes at our cosmetology school in Alabaster are diversified. You're not going to be stuck in a classroom all day. As the beauty industry is made up of "hands on" professionals, we educate you through lectures, traditional book materials, as well as live demonstrations, and practical application of salon procedures. We teach a program technique class where advanced theory and practical application is taught. Our students practice on real salon guests thus making their mannequin work VERY limited. We feel it teaches them how to build and retain clientele as well as customer relations.

Begin the journey for a successful salon career today!  Call Mitchell's cosmetology school in Alabaster today.


116 First Street S. Suite 10 | Alabaster, AL 35007 | (205) 663-7126